Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why does my brain make up bizarre scenarios in my dreams?

Last night was filled with weird dreams that had no explanation, like always.
But I wanted to share part of it... to get it off my mind.
Not really sure where it started... But I was at my church doing Disciple Now again with the 9th grade girls ( :3 ) and the place was packed full with kids and bearded men (must be because of No-shave-November).
We traveled then to a house where we were staying that belonged to me (?), and I realized I forgot my hair straightener and started crying (typical...).
We enter, and the house was basically a giant pool. The 9th grade girls then turned into my servants and I bid them to clean ALL the house. Arielle was unusually ecstatic about her job of retrieving pennies from the bottom of the water-filled hallway, while Alexis proceeded to cry because she didn't want to get her shorts wet.

I eat some pudding, then go to check on the progress the girls were making. I open the door to the pool-hallway and see my old physics teacher, Dr. Browning, swimming with goggles on. I then notice a shark fin at the end of the hallway, and I say "Dr. Browning, are there sharks here?"
He replied, "Of course! :3  There are ALL THE SHARKS here!"

Well, that was a fierce problem because I hate sharks. -__-
So I called to Taylor (my 9th grade servant) and told her to "RELEASE THE CANALS!"
After pushing a button that pulled out a very large plug at the bottom of the floor, we realized this was the dumbest decision because a giant whirlpool started in the middle of the hall way.
Dr. Browning was sucked into the whirlpool.
I magically gained super strength and grabbed ALL OF THE BABBIES (the 9th grade girls) and sprang across random stepping stones to the doorway before we were all sucked into the giant whirlpool with Dr. Browning and the sharks.

I then woke up...