Saturday, June 11, 2011

If you really knew me...

If you really knew me,
you'd KNOW...

That I keep certain voicemails from people on my phone... in case I have no way of ever hearing their voice again.

You'd know...
That I may be tough and "don't give a crap" on the outisde, but on the inside I strive to maintain harmony in relationships. And usually succeed.

You'd know...
I hate the word "pluck." But I love the word "fetching."

You'd know...
Sometimes, I idealize relationships too much, and end up being let down.

You'd know...
My favorite food is
fried chicken and brownies (though not together).

You'd know...
That I don't think "freaking" or "crap" or "whore" are bad words.

You'd know...
That if I told you anymore, then I'd have to kill ya.


  1. I love you, Skye! I guess I didn't really know you :) now i do though.

  2. fried chicken and brownies <3 perhaps u should fetch some =P

    you my friend, are absolutely amazing and i would definitely like to get to know you better someday ^^
