Monday, June 13, 2011

Normality... HA

Well this weekend/monday has been interesting.
Yesterday, my friend invited me and another friend to her youthgroup's pool party.
It was sufficiently awkward when Charmaine and I arrived.
We walked in the house (where we've never been) and proceeded to try to find the porch.
After stepping onto the patio, an old man greeted us, while another man stood at the grill making meat things.
There was a big group of middleschool girls in bikinis and two boys standing outside in the grass. Two lines, facing each other.
"Come pick a team, guys!" said a lady outside who dragged us out the door onto the grass.
Charmaine and I shared glances of desparation, and we looked at our friend who invited us, Rayna...
As if we were communicating "we will kill you."

Let me make it clear that not only does Charmaine and I hate group events where we know noone, but we are not fans of group activities... especially games.

We started playing "steal the bacon" as requested. Getting bit by ants and running to retrieve said "bacon" (in this case, a crocks shoe) isn't my cup of tea, but at least Char was my opponent... And I won every time.

To make this situation even more awkward, there was a chick about our age with a bi-racial baby who proceeded to take part in the game whilst holding said baby. She ended up tripping and dropping him... And of course his cry pierced the sky and Charmaine and I exchanged some more glances.
Nevertheless, we decided to sit out the next game.

While grabbing our shoes, the older man in the porch comes up to the screen and says, "So, what grade you girls in?" I replied for both of us that we were actually in college. He didn't believe us, of course -___-

May I take a minute to explain how much I LOATHE it when this question pops up. Honestly, if I could punch them without getting in trouble, I so would. Why does everyone think that I am 14 years old?! It's like they secretly know how to piss me off, and do so. I can assure everyone, I am 19 years old. And yes, I'm in college. I've had this bitter problem of appearing half a decade younger than I am for a very long time. In fact, just today some girl knocked on my door to share the gospel and thought I was 13 -__- It could be my height, or my lack of double-Ds... But, of course, as Charmaine says: I'd rather be a girl with no boobs than a man with big boobs.

Moving on,
Rayna did know beforehand that we were attending only for food. And her, of course. No matter how awkward situations can be, I will persist to be there for Rayna if she asks. Even if one of the women use Charmaine's soda cup to scoop out ice... not realizing soda was getting in the ice...
After eating hot dogs, and Charmaine throwing a fit over staying longer than planned, we had a nice little Bible Study. We were asked to put our feet in the pool, and the old man threw a hatchet into the water. The Bible story was about someone losing a "borrowed" axe head in the sea, and it swimming to shore by "the grace of God." Not really sure what the message was...

That night, after going home (well, getting lost trying to get out of the neighborhood), Jenny texts me saying "Rayna and I are coming to get you so we can eat appetizers at a fancy restaurant. Get dressed up!"
I do so, as they creep in my house and scare the living daylights outta me.
We walked around St. Armands to try to find a good place, and while looking at the menu for this fancy Italian restaurant, the waiter comes up saying, "tequila shots?" He makes a gesture with his hands that implied taking shots. We told him we were not old enough. "Only one more year till it's legal!" I said. Okay, I lied.
It's more like two for us, but hey... this was one of the rare occasions someone mistakes me for being OLDER.
And so, I embraced it.
He replied, "that never stopped me," gave us a wink, and asked to seat us. We said we wanted to look around some more and we might be back.
Then, of course, another awkward moment...
The waiter looks right at Rayna and says "okay, I love you."
So, we got out of there ASAP.
But, we actually ended up going there anyways...And the night proceeded to be awkward as I dropped my tomatoes on the floor and kept having to tell Jenny to get her elbows off the table.

Either way, it was an adventureous weekend... And although it had its awkward moments...
I wouldn't have traded it for a different weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i also often get mistaken for being younger than i really am. it is annoying ill give you that. and the fact that people judge your age off ones boob size or the fact that someone has facial hair or not is sickening in my opinion.I wish people would grow up sometimes and be less judgmental
