Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dear Diary, my adolescent anxiety has a body count.

It would be an understatement to say that I am normally chill. Everyone knows I don't freak out about much, at least in the bad way. I happily freak out over quesadillas, puppies, chocolate cake, and reuniting with friends.
When it comes to drama, I really do try to be the peacemaker. Cuz most of the time, I really do not care about your stupid pointless vendetta against the other "floosy" across the street. I don't.
But, I do have compassion on people who deal with real pain. I deal with real pain, sometimes. So I know.

So, normaly, I am known to be pretty chillxed and casual (except for that time I washed my memory card in my jeans pocket that had my video project on it). But recently, I have been worrying so much about a certain thing.
I am SO SICK of people telling me, "I am not coming back to pba," or "I'm transferring." It's been so often that I just want to yell in their faces, "COLLEGE AIN'T NO DANG SUMMER CAMP!!"
But that would be "mean."
I am so dang sick of my stomach dropping when I hear those words, "I'm transfering." So. Sick.
I understand that money is the big issue with pba. Believe me! I know that not all the majors are the greatest there... I know...
But it hurts me so badly when my friends peace out. So many people have already left. Heather, Lauren, Kim, Courtney, Grace... GRACE!!!!!!! I've got friends who are staying, but that doesn't soothe the burning feeling I get behind my eyes when I hear of YET ANOTHER friend leaving.

And now, somone else might be leaving. I can't disclose their name yet, because it's not for sure.
But if she does, it will change everything...
And I've been very worried about that recently.

In Bible study, Pastor Mike told us to all silently read a chapter in Colossians, and then tell him one thing that stuck out the most to us. I heard God tell me, through the passage about letting the Prince of Peace rule your heart, to give it all to Him. So I am trying.
I need help. Please pray for me. For my situation. That whatever God's will is, I will be able to cope with it.

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