Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why does my brain make up bizarre scenarios in my dreams?

Last night was filled with weird dreams that had no explanation, like always.
But I wanted to share part of it... to get it off my mind.
Not really sure where it started... But I was at my church doing Disciple Now again with the 9th grade girls ( :3 ) and the place was packed full with kids and bearded men (must be because of No-shave-November).
We traveled then to a house where we were staying that belonged to me (?), and I realized I forgot my hair straightener and started crying (typical...).
We enter, and the house was basically a giant pool. The 9th grade girls then turned into my servants and I bid them to clean ALL the house. Arielle was unusually ecstatic about her job of retrieving pennies from the bottom of the water-filled hallway, while Alexis proceeded to cry because she didn't want to get her shorts wet.

I eat some pudding, then go to check on the progress the girls were making. I open the door to the pool-hallway and see my old physics teacher, Dr. Browning, swimming with goggles on. I then notice a shark fin at the end of the hallway, and I say "Dr. Browning, are there sharks here?"
He replied, "Of course! :3  There are ALL THE SHARKS here!"

Well, that was a fierce problem because I hate sharks. -__-
So I called to Taylor (my 9th grade servant) and told her to "RELEASE THE CANALS!"
After pushing a button that pulled out a very large plug at the bottom of the floor, we realized this was the dumbest decision because a giant whirlpool started in the middle of the hall way.
Dr. Browning was sucked into the whirlpool.
I magically gained super strength and grabbed ALL OF THE BABBIES (the 9th grade girls) and sprang across random stepping stones to the doorway before we were all sucked into the giant whirlpool with Dr. Browning and the sharks.

I then woke up...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The world spins madly on...

I did NOT get into the PBA steering committee for next year's Welcome Week for the incoming students.
Pretty bummed, but I had peace about it.
Except, not when I see the pictures of the people who did get it.
I am trying so hard not to be bitter...

Jesus, PLEASE don't let me be bitter. 

Cuz deep down I know now it was not your will for me to be in it.
And that's okay with me.
Greater things have yet to come.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I cannot wait for the day "dubstep" becomes overrated and lame.
I really hate it when you like someone so much, but since you're the girl you are socially and Biblically "obligated" to wait till that person makes the first move. Gay.
Why is "Times New Roman" the font everyone has to use for everything? I like it better than "Courier" but it's so mundane.
I wonder if you can pray after an event has happened. Like, can God use a prayer to change the past? Not in big ways but, sometimes I forget to pray for friends to do well on their class speeches until after the fact, so if I pray AFTER class, would it have an effect still? Probably not... but God can do anything.
I really need to study for my Mass Media exam.
It's really weird being the minority in certain situations. Like, the other day, when I was working for Youth For Christ being a Bible study leader in an all-black school. I was the only white person there. I felt like... like they all judged me and were thinking, "she couldn't POSSIBLY relate to us..."
Since when was it cool to like folk/indie music? The point of it is to be largely disliked by the masses, so the few who like it make the genre special and not mainstream. Because mainstream is for the weak.
I really need to clean my bathroom...
I recently learned the word "a lot" is two words. I feel stupid.
Part of me wants Jesus to return RIGHT-STINKIN'-NOW. But another part of me wants him to wait, because I really want to do more things for Him. I feel like I haven't done enough. I guess we will always feel that way, though.
Demons aren't taken seriously enough.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Music is my hot hot bubble bath

Good Music should be made in a way that evokes others senses and even emotions when you hear it. Every song does something different for different people. The music needs to sync with the lyrics.
Example: Switchfoot's album The Beautiful Letdown brings me back in 8th grade and I can literally smell the chill in the air from winter when I had art class and we'd listen to it every day.
What is the saddest song to you?
The best song ever?
The song that really hits home?
The worst song ever..?

Even though I know no one really cares, I am about to list some of my favorite songs ever, and why.

9 Crimes: This song by Damien Rice has been #1 on my favorite list since 2007. Why? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. It's simple, depressing, and confusing. So why is this my all time favorite song ever? Maybe because it evokes such emotion, especially in the intro piano solo. It makes my insides feel wet, as if I cried so much it soaked through my skin. Boston by Augustana is the same way.

Hide and Seek: Imogen Heap is so strange when it comes to music, this song shouldn't have given me any surprise by its weirdness. But it does. Acapella voices (all hers) make the melody strange to listen to, but soothing. It reminds me of my brother.

It's Dangergous Business Walking out you Front Door: This song by UnderOATH was titled because of Lord of the Rings, which makes me love it even more. It is my favorite UnderOATH song ever, and it never ceases to give me goosebumps when the boys choir sings "drowning in my sleep." It brings me back to high school.

Dark Blue and Swim: Both by Jack's Mannequin, these songs bring about a pounding in my heart. Dark Blue reminds me of my best friend Charmaine, and it also gives such vivid images of a town being flooded. "Have you ever been alone in a crowded room" completely hits home and is the driving force that makes me love this song the most. Swim, in my mind, is Jesus telling me to press on through trial and tribulations in my life.

The Chain: This is the only song I play well in the piano, and it has been sung by my friends at PBA so many times. It reminds me of my wonderful times as a freshman in college. Yay Ingrid Michaelson!

Times: I'm not a big fan of Tenth Ave. North, but this song hits home and always brings tears to my eyes.

I Celebrate the Day: A Christmas song by Relient K that breaks my heart, because the Lord deserves so much better than what I offer Him.

Lady: This song by Regina Spektor has a cool jazz feel, and it gives me the image of a rainy bar in New York with a lonely singer gracing the few people in the audience with her sad song.

WORST SONG EVER: For me, this is the stupid Journey song "Don't Stop Believing." I am convinced that I am the only person in the world who loathes this song. We would listen to it every Friday in high school in drama class, and everyone would sing along very badly. The song irks me to the point of my heartbeat racing. Plus, it's basically about a one-night stand, so there's no real worth to it. So, do not ever play this song at my funeral or I will haunt you till the end of time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


PBA has always been overly obsessed with 4 things:
-And over seas missions. (the above topics are blogs for another time........)

Being an firm believer in Christ and His call to spread the Gospel to everyone, I am not opposed to missions AT ALL! This is not a blog bashing missions or missionaries, because that, my friends, is pretty much blasphemy.
(BTW, blogger is being quite difficult right now by not letting me make new paragraphs by pressing "enter" -__-)

When someone says "missions" or thinks about "missions trips" a stereotype always pops into the minds of people. It's like glued to the term, almost. You (I) always think of poor children in Africa or Haiti being handed food or Bibles by white Americans dressed in Jesus T-shirts, base-ball caps and baggy basketball pants (don't forget the ratty sneakers or converse). Missions, to some people, are either in the depths of the rainforest with "uncivilized" tribes or in the dry, crusty dirt of Africa with goats following you. Or, of course, the camp sites in Haiti (how could I forget THAT one?)
If anyone has gone on a missions trip in those conditions, great for you. Really. That's quite a culture shock, and rough conditions.
But when do you EVER see someone stoaked about a missions trip to Sweden (whose religious population is only 1% of the WHOLE COUNTRY), or France, or Turkey? Not often. Mostly because it costs a lot more than going to Brazil or Dominican Republic. Also, because the people there are not exactly in the same "poverty" as some people in South Africa (which is their country's fault that they are in poverty, not America's... but that's a different subject). And, of course, they aren't as accepting of the Gospel as other countries like Africa and Western Asia.
The point of missions trips is not simply, "oh lets fix someone's roof," or, "lets give this poor child a... chicken..." Many "missions" trips should be called "service" trips. In fact, like a good 80% of PBA's "missions trips" should be entitled "service trips" and be scheduled by Workship. Service is showing love to others by performing acts of service or help to them. Missions includes that, but is NOT all that.
Missions, I think, should be taken way more seriously
((Also, why do people go on only a weekend or week long missions trip? If you want to make a bigger impact, stay there, I mean it. I have much-o respect for people who live in the country they minister to))

What does "missions" mean? It is referring to the command Christ gives His disciples right before he rises to Heaven (this is AFTER he has risen from the dead and stayed a while on earth appearing to people). In Matthew chapter 28, Jesus says to go into all the world and make more DISCIPLES (not converting people OR painting houses for people), BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is what we call "the mission." We don't want our friends, family, and fellow homo-sapiens spending eternity in hell and making all the painful choices on earth as well. So our "mission" is to tell them they have a better option, and that there is a God who loves them and a Savior who proves that. Simply handing out Bibles and saying "Jesus loves you" does not cut it (save those very rare occasions where someone needed JUST that and so you changed their life...).
If I were able to plan a missions trip on my own with unlimited funding, time, and supplies, I would not say "oh let's go to Mexico and paint some houses..." (that would be a SERVICE TRIP). I would freakin' go all out and be like, "Let's spend at least a few months in Sweden or Ireland or England or Colorado or China and legit connect with people to show them through my actions that I care about them and therefore they can trust me when I tell them there's someone else who cares more." Yeah. Unlimited resources would make me do that. But, I am a poor college student who had no means or time for that (yet).
The countries that are starving for the Gospel like African countries, Haiti, the Dominican, and China are indeed important places to spend time in. But I feel like everyone overlooks nations that are spiritually starving and don't even know it like Sweden, France, Turkey, and AMERICA.
You probably realized I mentioned Colorado earlier and might've thought "Skye... that's not a country silly." I am aware of that. But this leads me to my next and almost most important point:
We keep talking about missions trips in other countries, like missions trips HAVE to be abroad or they don't "qualify" as a missions trip. My friends, this is ridiculous. Our own country is about to hit rock bottom, has broken our ties with tons of other countries that were once allies, and is slowly stamping out the fire that this country was originally built upon: God.
My generation, generation Y (1986-2000) is a generation obsessed with "no absolute truth" and acceptance of spirituality as long as it is NOT Christ. Internet has opened up new windows of opportunity for evil to enter into the hearts of people. The definition of beauty has been corrupted by society.
In other words, we suck. We have many advantages, however. Like how we have freedom of religion (for now) and we are able to have Christian clubs at school. That's a big thing we take for granted. Ya think China can say the same? Or the former USSR (before my time, yes, but at least I know my History)?
In my mind, before we always go out into the world to spread the love of Christ, we need to focus also on our own stinkin' country! The Bible belt in the Eastern part of America is becoming rusted. Florida is abnormal for having many cities that have a church on every corner. In Colorado, the atmosphere is dominated by Post-modernism and experimenting with different faiths (except for Christianity).
We have people dying inside every day here in America. The difficulty is how turned off they are by the modern misconception of the church and Christians (thanks a whole lot Westboro "Baptist" Church -___-). That is why we need to stop the trend of thinking Christians are close-minded hating prudes and inject the love of God into our lives to share with them.
So, PBA, give me a missions trip to Colorado, Washington, New York, or New Orleans. Their bones are as dry as the ones in Haiti, if not more so.

I might be alone in having the biggest heart for the people in my own country more than rural, poverty-stricken countries in Africa, but I think God can use that. That is why I am a student ministry minor, isn't it?

((I bet nobody read this, btw.))

Friday, July 29, 2011

They way EYE see it

(Yeah my puns are corny, but hey I can be savvy like, oh I dunno, 24 hours of e'rry day.)

The way I see it;
If people are totally hot in high school, they most likely reached their peak and won't be gettin' much cuter as the years progress. Meaning: if you were ugly or lacking curves in high school (as was I) then do not fear! You're hot days are most likely a'comin'! And all those meanies in middle and high school who hit puberty 5 years earlier than you? They'll be saggin' a lot sooner than you.

The way I see it;
When I think mean thoughts about someone, like "oh they are a floosy," or "wow, she won't be getting married anytime soon," or "he probably contracted so many STDs they haven't even discovered them all," I think... these are people GOD loves. How dare I? It's not so much judging is wrong, but I don't know the whole story of their life, and honestly that's when I really want to run up and give them a big hug. But that would be creepy.

The way I see it;
Everyone says, "Don't judge me," or "don't judge them!" But, everyone judges everyone. Even if it is subconscious. And heck, if you don't want people to think you are a slut, don't act/dress like it! If you don't want people to think you are a partying, trashy floosy, don't act like it!
People have been fitting into the stereotypes they "hate" by generating themselves that way! If you don't like people assuming you are from the hood, change your status! It can be hard. Duh... But if you are sick of "judging" then don't act like what you hate. And don't judge back. By people saying "you're just judging me" they are technically being judgmental too. And, TECHNICALLY, we should all be rightfully judgmental. That way we can discern what's right and best. If you see someone in a dark alley with a knife and you walk the other way towards the well-lit and populated shopping center, you were making a judgment call. Should we say, "oh I don't want to judge that sketchy person with a knife in the dark, he could just be shaving bars of soap because he is sad! Let me go witness to him..." You tell me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'll make a MAN out of you...

What is WRONG with the world these days? Time after time, I am confronted with the embarrassing fact that we have all "changed genders." By that, I mean it's like all men have become little pansy girls.
I don't care how many video games you own,
how much you like "Taking Back Sunday,"
or how black your skinny jeans are.
Men have become girls.
And it's disgusting.

I've been realizing this more and more as I blaze through my college career at an incredibly rapid speed.
Boys fret over the dumbest things that most girls fret over... or don't!
"My hair!" Really?!
One time, someone took my friend's seat during a movie in one of the dorms when he left for a good hour.
He comes back and whines about someone sitting in HIS SEAT. Dude, didn't yo daddy ever teach you one of the key rules in the universe? "Ya snooze, YA LOSE!" Ya left, so the chair was free game.
He proceeded to block the tv until he had his way.

These boys SERIOUSLY need to learn how to MAN UP. I don't want no boy, I want a MAN.
Granted, I am not a fan of excessive hair, farting, burping, or spitting. Like most ladies, I prefer to refrain from that behavior.
But if a guy likes Britney Spears more than most girls, and is overly jazzed about her concert he's attending, something's not right. (This doesn't really apply to gay guys)

I am more of a man than some of these guys. That's sad! I can hold my own, I'm aggressive. I can be provocative and shocking. I spit on occasion. I work out. So, I need someone to out-do me in my manliness!

Guys these days who don't get texts from their "baby" FREAK OUT  and get paranoid. "Baby are you mad at me? Call me! When can you call me? Did I do something? Why aren't you talking to me?! Fine be     B@#!%! I bet you're with another guy. Baby please don't leave me I need you....." Etc.
GIVE me a break. And then, texting her friends asking, "Is she mad at me? :(" Bahhhh, that's like the girliest thing anyone can do!!!!!!!!

I want a man who can lift at least 100lbs.
I want a man who can take rejection like a man.
I want a man who can grow a beard IF HE WANTED TO but doesn't HAVE to grow one to feel manly.
I want a man who doesn't obsess over superstars or celebs.

That doesn't mean his sensitive, intuitive side is completely shut down, however.
I like a guy who can cry with me over the loss of someone.
Who can feel the way I do (sometimes).
Who takes things to heart.
Who loves Christ with all his heart.
Who likes puppies.
Who is musically talented (well, it's a bonus).
Ya get the gist :)

Just, please, SOMEONE teach these boys how to be men.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dear Diary, my adolescent anxiety has a body count.

It would be an understatement to say that I am normally chill. Everyone knows I don't freak out about much, at least in the bad way. I happily freak out over quesadillas, puppies, chocolate cake, and reuniting with friends.
When it comes to drama, I really do try to be the peacemaker. Cuz most of the time, I really do not care about your stupid pointless vendetta against the other "floosy" across the street. I don't.
But, I do have compassion on people who deal with real pain. I deal with real pain, sometimes. So I know.

So, normaly, I am known to be pretty chillxed and casual (except for that time I washed my memory card in my jeans pocket that had my video project on it). But recently, I have been worrying so much about a certain thing.
I am SO SICK of people telling me, "I am not coming back to pba," or "I'm transferring." It's been so often that I just want to yell in their faces, "COLLEGE AIN'T NO DANG SUMMER CAMP!!"
But that would be "mean."
I am so dang sick of my stomach dropping when I hear those words, "I'm transfering." So. Sick.
I understand that money is the big issue with pba. Believe me! I know that not all the majors are the greatest there... I know...
But it hurts me so badly when my friends peace out. So many people have already left. Heather, Lauren, Kim, Courtney, Grace... GRACE!!!!!!! I've got friends who are staying, but that doesn't soothe the burning feeling I get behind my eyes when I hear of YET ANOTHER friend leaving.

And now, somone else might be leaving. I can't disclose their name yet, because it's not for sure.
But if she does, it will change everything...
And I've been very worried about that recently.

In Bible study, Pastor Mike told us to all silently read a chapter in Colossians, and then tell him one thing that stuck out the most to us. I heard God tell me, through the passage about letting the Prince of Peace rule your heart, to give it all to Him. So I am trying.
I need help. Please pray for me. For my situation. That whatever God's will is, I will be able to cope with it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The words "Best Friend" become refined.

What is a best friend? Like, really?
Everyone throws that term around just as much as they throw the word "love" like a tennis ball.
I would like to think I've had quite a few, but since the definition seems to change as years (or months) pass by, I don't know anymore.
There's an obvious statement I am about to make: that only Jesus can be my 100% true best friend.
I know that.
What stumps me is this best friend thing.
Honestly, though, I personally see a best friend as being someone you are able to tell everything about yourself to, and do so on those late nights walking on the beach or drinking coffee in Starbucks.
I think I should make a list of all the things I think the term "best friend" equals.

-Honesty is crucial. True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.
-Enjoying each other's compay is a key factor in any relationship. And if it's your "best friend," I think you are supposed be able to be stupid and silly around each other and not feel weird.
-Love. I really should have put this first. I believe you cannot truly love someone unless you have seen EVERY side of them. Good mood, bad mood, heartbroken, ecstatic, angry... etc. Because THAT is when you know who you are really dealing with. And with love comes things like patience, care, commitment, and forgiveness. It seems a sin to group those big words into one category, but I really do not want to bore anyone.
-Understanding. I think one main reason I've called people my best friend, past or present, is because I thought they truly understood me and my feelings (and most of the time they did). I think that someone who is called your best friend should be able to tell there's something wrong without without you even saying anything. So many times I hear of people, or experienced firsthand, how "so-and-so just doesn't get me."
If you want to BE a best friend, you HAVE to put yourself in other's shoes. I find myself doing this without thinking. My parents say I have a "gift" for personally experiencing other people's pain. I think they call that compassion these days.
-With understanding comes listening. I have been told for years I'm a great listener... but I've also been told I talk too much. Sometimes, you don't want someone to always tell you what to do, but you just want someone's unclogged ear, focused eyes, and open mind.
-Inside Jokes. Have you ever heard of a pair of best friends that didn't have inside jokes? I find that these are probably one of my most favorite things about relationships. Laughing can be put in this category. And laughing really is the best medicine.
-Acceptance. This is probably one of the most important part of a close friendship. It's also made me realize why so many relationships haven't worked out in the past. Either they didn't accept me and I was always trying to meet their approval, or I put too much dependence on them being everything I expected.
What it comes down to, really, is seeing someone naked and loving them anyways (not literally, obviously, but feel free to make that journey on your own...) Someone once said to me, "You're my best friend because you accept me no matter what." I told them, sincerely, "I always will."

So, if all of that amounts to the status of "best friend," why are there so many people who have "backstabbing" BFFS or, like, 3574309572 best friends? How can everyone be all those things to so many people, anyways? Should a best friend be singular, or can you have oodles?
Personally, I think you really can't have, like, 12 true best friends. That seems like overload. Surely, you can have as many great friends as you want. But a best friend, like BEST, is someone who rises above the crowd. They don't exactly get more of your love, but they are the person(s) who accepts you, is there for you, and loves you no matter what.

If I think really hard about it, I could say that currently I have tons of great friends.
But, best friends?
That's the question.
Where do you draw a line? Is it when someone else calls you their BFF first?
Is it when someone meets your expectations, or when they rise above them?
Are you not meant to divide your friends up in categories? Not that I do, neccesarily...

I know for certain Sarah Magill is and has been and will be my best friend. I've known her for 13 years. And even if we don't hang out all the time or see each other alot, when we do nothing has changed. We pick up right from where we left off.

PBA has supplied me with many awesome friends. I really do consider many of them "best friends."
Is that wrong? Does it really matter?
How can someone have so many? What makes certain people out of your class of "best friends" more special, though? Is it a sin to favor certain people over others? I think it is...

I've kept some "best friends" from 8th grade and 9th grade. But is the status "best friend" an eternal state of being or is there a point where your old best friend "deactivates?"

Maybe I'm thinking about this too much. I would like someone to share their opinions though...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Normality... HA

Well this weekend/monday has been interesting.
Yesterday, my friend invited me and another friend to her youthgroup's pool party.
It was sufficiently awkward when Charmaine and I arrived.
We walked in the house (where we've never been) and proceeded to try to find the porch.
After stepping onto the patio, an old man greeted us, while another man stood at the grill making meat things.
There was a big group of middleschool girls in bikinis and two boys standing outside in the grass. Two lines, facing each other.
"Come pick a team, guys!" said a lady outside who dragged us out the door onto the grass.
Charmaine and I shared glances of desparation, and we looked at our friend who invited us, Rayna...
As if we were communicating "we will kill you."

Let me make it clear that not only does Charmaine and I hate group events where we know noone, but we are not fans of group activities... especially games.

We started playing "steal the bacon" as requested. Getting bit by ants and running to retrieve said "bacon" (in this case, a crocks shoe) isn't my cup of tea, but at least Char was my opponent... And I won every time.

To make this situation even more awkward, there was a chick about our age with a bi-racial baby who proceeded to take part in the game whilst holding said baby. She ended up tripping and dropping him... And of course his cry pierced the sky and Charmaine and I exchanged some more glances.
Nevertheless, we decided to sit out the next game.

While grabbing our shoes, the older man in the porch comes up to the screen and says, "So, what grade you girls in?" I replied for both of us that we were actually in college. He didn't believe us, of course -___-

May I take a minute to explain how much I LOATHE it when this question pops up. Honestly, if I could punch them without getting in trouble, I so would. Why does everyone think that I am 14 years old?! It's like they secretly know how to piss me off, and do so. I can assure everyone, I am 19 years old. And yes, I'm in college. I've had this bitter problem of appearing half a decade younger than I am for a very long time. In fact, just today some girl knocked on my door to share the gospel and thought I was 13 -__- It could be my height, or my lack of double-Ds... But, of course, as Charmaine says: I'd rather be a girl with no boobs than a man with big boobs.

Moving on,
Rayna did know beforehand that we were attending only for food. And her, of course. No matter how awkward situations can be, I will persist to be there for Rayna if she asks. Even if one of the women use Charmaine's soda cup to scoop out ice... not realizing soda was getting in the ice...
After eating hot dogs, and Charmaine throwing a fit over staying longer than planned, we had a nice little Bible Study. We were asked to put our feet in the pool, and the old man threw a hatchet into the water. The Bible story was about someone losing a "borrowed" axe head in the sea, and it swimming to shore by "the grace of God." Not really sure what the message was...

That night, after going home (well, getting lost trying to get out of the neighborhood), Jenny texts me saying "Rayna and I are coming to get you so we can eat appetizers at a fancy restaurant. Get dressed up!"
I do so, as they creep in my house and scare the living daylights outta me.
We walked around St. Armands to try to find a good place, and while looking at the menu for this fancy Italian restaurant, the waiter comes up saying, "tequila shots?" He makes a gesture with his hands that implied taking shots. We told him we were not old enough. "Only one more year till it's legal!" I said. Okay, I lied.
It's more like two for us, but hey... this was one of the rare occasions someone mistakes me for being OLDER.
And so, I embraced it.
He replied, "that never stopped me," gave us a wink, and asked to seat us. We said we wanted to look around some more and we might be back.
Then, of course, another awkward moment...
The waiter looks right at Rayna and says "okay, I love you."
So, we got out of there ASAP.
But, we actually ended up going there anyways...And the night proceeded to be awkward as I dropped my tomatoes on the floor and kept having to tell Jenny to get her elbows off the table.

Either way, it was an adventureous weekend... And although it had its awkward moments...
I wouldn't have traded it for a different weekend.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

If you really knew me...

If you really knew me,
you'd KNOW...

That I keep certain voicemails from people on my phone... in case I have no way of ever hearing their voice again.

You'd know...
That I may be tough and "don't give a crap" on the outisde, but on the inside I strive to maintain harmony in relationships. And usually succeed.

You'd know...
I hate the word "pluck." But I love the word "fetching."

You'd know...
Sometimes, I idealize relationships too much, and end up being let down.

You'd know...
My favorite food is
fried chicken and brownies (though not together).

You'd know...
That I don't think "freaking" or "crap" or "whore" are bad words.

You'd know...
That if I told you anymore, then I'd have to kill ya.